
Web Design      Photography     Multimedia  



2015 - Thank you to my employer who without them I would not be fortunate to have been able to continue my education.


Special thank you to my family who spent many nights seeing the back of me on the computer as they watched T.V. Unfortunately my husband was not able to see me finish my classes, but he knew how important they were to me and was a great second set of eyes when it came to looking my work over before submitting it. Rest in Peace Dave.

Especially the teachers who helped me get through some tough times in the past two years of my classes, you know who you are and I thank you and may God +bless you!


I am now on another chapter of my life. I have been working on my Masters program since 2012 through the Art Academy of San Francisco. My intention is to obtain a MFA, so that I may soon be able to teach online or college level. My main focus is photography, which has always been a hobby of mine.
